Hadrian’s Villa
We are going to discover the spectacular residence of the emperor Adriano, built near Tivoli, in a place surrounded by nature and woods (where the Emperor could devote himself to hunting, which he loved so much), but not too far from the chaos of the capital of the Empire (to reach from Rome to here took about two hours on horseback).
The “graeculus” Adriano, who spent most of his life far from Italy, wanted to recall the places that had struck his imagination during his several trips to the Provinces of the Empire. Thus we find, in addition to the residence of the Emperor, a stadium, the Canopus, the Maritime Theatre, numerous spas, with beautiful decorations, a library, reception rooms that could hold hundreds of guests, arcades, gymnasiums, nymphs, decorated rooms with elegant mosaics, the remains of famous Greek statues (there were hundreds there be) and even a pond with an artificial island.
And we will walk immersed in these beautiful ruins, trying to carry ourselves with the imagination and the words of Marguerite Yourcenar in the days of pensive and restless philosopher-emperor, with the Roman Empire at the time of its greatest expansion.